


Gut is an easy-to-use git client for Windows, Mac and Linux. It is designed to be simple and intuitive, but also powerful and flexible. Gut is built with Golang which makes it fast and lightweight.

Table of Contents



To install gut on Windows, run

scoop bucket add gut
scoop install gut/gut


To install gut on macOS, open the Terminal and run

brew tap julien040/gut && brew install gut


To install gut on Ubuntu or Debian, download the deb package and install it

echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gut.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gut

This will install gut on your system. Once installed, you can use it from the command line.


To install gut on Fedora or CentOS, download the rpm package and install it

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/gut.repo <<EOF
name=Gut Repository
sudo yum update
sudo yum install gut

This will install gut on your system. Once installed, you can use it from the command line.

Getting Started

To get started with gut, run the following command in the Terminal:

gut init

This will create a new git repository in the current directory.

Once the repository is initialized, you can start making changes. For example, you could create a new file, make changes to an existing file, or delete a file.

To save your new changes, run

gut save

Choose a category, enter a title, compose the body, and you're done! Your changes have been saved to Git.

How to

Save changes locally

To save changes locally, run

gut save

This will open an interface where you can select a category, provide a commit title, and optionally add a description. Once you have filled in the information, your changes will be committed to the local repository.

Sync with a remote repository

To sync your local repo with a remote repository, run

gut sync

This will pull in any changes that have been made since the last sync. If no conflict has been detected, Gut will try to push your local changes to the remote repository.

Switch to an existing branch

To checkout to an existing branch, run

gut switch <branch name>

This will check out the branch and change your working tree according to the contents of this branch.

Switch to a new branch

gut switch can be used to switch to a new branch. To do so, simply call the command with a branch name that doesn't exist and gut will create it.

gut switch <new branch name>

Revert changes

Imagine you discover a bug that was introduced two commits ago. You would like to go back to that state. To achieve this, you can run the following command:

gut revert

This command creates a new commit with the content of the commit you selected, avoiding rewriting the history with git reset HEAD~2 and keeping your coworkers happy.

List your branch by last used


gut branch

Discard Changes Since Last Commit

If you want to discard all the changes you made since the last commit, run the command:

gut undo

If you only want to undo changes to specific files, add them as arguments:

gut undo [file]...

Fix your mess

gut fix is a magical command that helps you fix your mistakes. It allows you to:

To do so, simply run:

gut fix

See changes between two commits

To see the changes between two commits, run the following command:

gut diff <commit1> <commit2>

This will generate a diff that shows all the changes between the two commits.

Note: If you use GitHub, this will open the comparison view in your preferred browser.

See which branch and commit my HEAD is on.

To see on which branch and which commit your HEAD is, run

gut whereami

Check which files have been altered since the last commit.

To check which files have been altered since the last commit, run

gut status

This will show you a list of all the files that have been changed since the last commit.

Download a .gitignore template

Gut also allows you to quickly download a .gitignore template for your project. All you have to do is run

gut ignore

and select from a list of commonly used languages and frameworks.

If files that were previously tracked have been added to the .gitignore, gut will prompt you to remove them.

Merge a branch into the current one

To merge a branch into the current one, run

gut merge <branch-name>

This will merge the changes from the given branch into the current branch. Gut will try to auto-merge the changes, but if conflicts occur, you will have to resolve them before the merge is complete.

If you use GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket, it will open a pull request to merge the changes.

See the history of commit

To view the history of commits, run

gut history

This will show you a list of all the commits in the current branch, with the most recent commit at the top. You can also view the commit in details by selecting one

Check the status of the repository at a particular commit.

With gut goto, you can check how your repository was at a given commit without modifying its history. Simply run:

gut goto <commit-hash>

This will take you to the specified commit and set your working tree to the state of the repository at that time. To go back to the “normal state”, run:

gut switch <current branch>

If you want to create a new branch from this old commit, run:

gut switch <new branch name>

This will create a new branch from the commit you selected with gut goto.

Add a profile

Git allows you to add profiles to manage authentication for your repositories. To do so, simply run the command:

gut profile add

Remove a profile

If you want to remove a profile, run

gut profile remove <profile-name>

This will remove the profile from your system.

Link a profile to a repository

To link a profile to a repository, run

gut setup auth

This will link the specified profile to the specified repository. Once linked, the profile will be used for authentication when interacting with the repository.


Gut profiles are the key to managing authentication for multiple repositories. With profiles, you can add, delete, and link different profiles to different repositories.

To create a profile, run

gut profile add

You will then be prompted to enter your credentials. Once you have entered them, the profile will be created and stored on your system.

To delete a profile, run

gut profile remove <profile-name>

This will delete the profile from your system and it will no longer be used for authentication.

To link a profile to a repository, run

gut setup auth

This will link the specified profile to the specified repository. Once linked, the profile will be used for authentication when interacting with the repository.


Gut profiles are securely stored in the system's keychain, meaning credentials are encrypted. When an app requests access to these credentials, your OS will prompt you for permission.


Why Do We Use Telemetry?

Telemetry is used to prioritize development. This data is never shared with third parties.
By default, telemetry is not enabled. On first launch, gut will ask you if you want to enable it.

How to Opt-Out?

You can opt-out at any time by running the command gut telemetry disable.

What Data Is Collected?

The following data is collected:

Where Is the Data Saved?

We have built a custom pipeline to save Gut's telemetry data in order to avoid Mixpanel, Google Analytics, or other similar services.

Your data goes through Cloudflare to prevent DDOS attacks, is then received by a Digital Ocean server, and later saved into a BigQuery table hosted in Europe.


gut branch

gut branch is a command used to list all the branches in a repository. The current branch is highlighted in green. Branches are sorted by last accessed.

gut branch rm [branch] is a command used to delete a specified branch.

gut clone [url] [path]

gut clone is used to clone a repository from a remote. It allows you to clone an existing repository from a remote server and have a local copy of it.

gut completion

gut completion is used to generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell. It allows users to quickly and easily access the available commands in their shell.

gut diff

gut diff is used to show changes between commits, and the working tree.

If no arguments are provided, the diff will be between the current commit and the working tree. When one argument is given, the diff will be between the specified commit and the working tree. If two arguments are supplied, the diff will be between the two specified commits.

gut explain [command]

gut explain is used to get the equivalent git command for a gut command.

gut fix

gut fix is a magical command that helps you fix your mistakes. It allows you to modify the commit message of the last commit, modify the changes in the last commit, discard changes since the last commit, go back to a previous commit, and move a commit to the right branch.

gut goto [commit hash]

gut goto is used to check the status of the repository at a particular commit. It allows you to check how the repository was at a given commit without modifying its history.

gut help [command]

gut help is used to get help about any command. It displays a detailed description of the available gut commands.

gut history

gut history is used to view the history of commits. It displays a list of all the commits in the current branch, with the most recent commit at the top. You can type to filter the commits.

gut ignore

gut ignore is used to download a .gitignore template for a project.

gut init

gut init is used to initialize a new git repository. It creates a new git repository in the current directory.

gut merge [branch]

gut merge is used to merge a branch into the current one. It merges the changes from the given branch into the current branch, and if conflicts occur, users will have to resolve them before the merge is complete.

Gut will attempt to open a pull request, if possible, instead of using git merge.

gut profile

gut profile is used to manage authentication for multiple repositories. It allows users to add, delete, and link different profiles to different repositories.

gut remote

gut remote is used to list remote repositories. It displays a list of all the remote repositories connected to the current repository.

gut remote add is used to add a remote repository.

gut remote rm is used to remove a remote repository.

gut revert

gut revert is used to revert to a specified commit. It creates a new commit with the content of the commit the user selected.

gut save

gut save is used to save changes locally. It enables you to record new modifications to your code. You can select a category, provide a commit title, and optionally add a description.

gut setup

gut setup is an alias of gut init. It is used to initialize a new git repository.

gut setup auth enables you to connect a profile to a repository.

gut status

gut status is used to check which files have been altered since the last commit. It displays a list of all the files that have been changed since the last commit.

gut switch [branch or new branch name]

gut switch is used to change the current branch. It checks out the branch and changes the working tree according to the contents of this branch.

If an unknown branch name is specified, a new branch will be created.

gut sync

gut sync is used to sync the local repo with a remote repository. It pulls in any changes that have been made since the last sync and tries to push the local changes to the remote repository.

gut undo [files]…

gut undo is used to discard all the changes made since the last commit. It allows users to rollback files to the last commit.

If a list of files is provided, gut undo will only discard the changes made to those files, rather than the entire working tree.

gut whereami

gut whereami is used to see which branch and commit the HEAD is on.