A useful set of commands
Here are some of the most useful commands from the gut CLI
Commit your changes with a delightful interface
Download a gitignore template from https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore
Fix your mess with a simple command:
Explore your commit history with fuzzy search
Your code was working two days ago, right? Revert it without modifying history
Unsatisfied about the changes you made since your last commit? Remove them!
Switch between branches or create a new one
Sync your local repository with the remote one
Give a look at your repository n commits ago (and start a branch from it if you want)
Fully compatible with Git
You can easily switch between Git and Gut following the same workflow.
Consistent naming of commands
You won't have to search for the right command on Google, Gut uses a consistent naming of commands so that you can easily find them.
Learn Git with Gut
With the explain command, you can learn Git with Gut by seeing the equivalent Git commands.
Leverage cloud
Use Github or Gitlab to diff your changes, or merge your branches.
Credentials management
Gut saves your credentials in your system's keychain, so that you can reuse them across projects.
User experience as a priority
We won't yell at you because you forgot to set your name and email. And if you do a mess, we'll help you fixing it with gut fix. Finally, we'll prevent you from rewriting history so that your coworkers will love you.